Episode 17: New Year's Revolutions

Join Parker and Carrie as they ponder The Growing Edge Question of the Month and explore the idea of New Year’s Revolutions

Here’s the JANUARY Question of the Month…

“At the turn of the year many of us engage in the cultural practice of New Year's resolutions.  Often these intentions have to do with visiting the gym more frequently, diet or creating a more desirable habit to replace an old one.  But what would it be like to begin the year with with a series of New Year's revolutions?  What is a New Year's revolution and how could this new way of looking at intention and change be of benefit in the coming year?”

We hope you'll listen and download our conversation starter pdf, and engage in your own New Year's Revolution conversations.  

In this episode is a BRAND NEW unrecorded song by Carrie Newcomer called "On The Day You Were Born" 

Here are the lyrics to Carrie’s new Song!

Here are the lyrics to Carrie’s new Song!