Join Parker and Carrie for a conversation about William Stafford’s poem “Cutting Loose”. In this episode we explore the way that disillusionment or feeling lost can bring with it a powerful sense of reality, faithfulness and new direction. Parker and Carrie talk about their own experiences of feeling lost and listening to the sound of the genuine within them. In these challenging times, this is a poem that has much history and wisdom to share. We hope you’ll join the conversation by listening to the episode and commenting on our Substack page.
Read MoreIn this podcast, Carrie and Parker speak with Indiana State Senator, Shelli Yoder. We explore together Shelli’s history and vocation in passionate public service, as well as reclaiming the word politics and politician, holding difference and finding common ground. In a time when the most extreme and strident voices are more likely to get media sound bytes, it was deeply moving and encouraging to be in conversation with someone doing faithful and thoughtful daily work in public service.
For more about generative spaces for democracy and the common good check out Parker’s book Healing The Heart of Democracy
Read MoreIn this episode Parker and Carrie are in conversation with author, journalist, activist, Courtney Martin, about her new book, Learning in Public: Lessons for a Racially Divided America from My Daughter's School. Courtney has a popular Substack newsletter, called Examined Family, and speaks widely at conferences and colleges through out the country. She is also the co-founder of the Solutions Journalism Network, FRESH Speakers Bureau, and the Bay Area chapter of Integrated Schools. We're both very moved by Courtney's new book and her open, honest, informed and humble presentation of the story of this book, which reads like a memoir and yet filled with such important information about what it means to try to live a moral and ethical life in such divided times.
Read MoreFor our May, 2021 podcast, we welcome Dr. Luther E. Smith Jr., Professor Emeritus at Candler Seminary, author, educator, pastor, mystic, and elder. In this episode we talk about how identity is shaped and expanded and how conversations about race could be more authentic and powerful. We also explore what it meant for him to follow a spiritual calling and the experiences that led him to his friendship and academic study of author and mystic, Howard Thurman.
Read MoreIn this episode, Carrie and Parker reflect upon the happenings of 2020. They discuss challenges we've faced in the past year as well as focus and evidence for hope in the new year. They explore the idea of living in the "Tragic Gap" and living into creative citizenry. They read Mary Oliver's lovely poem "Starlings in Winter" and discuss grief and getting past it, and what is is putting lift into their boots. Carrie sings, the song “The Handing Over Time” by Carrie Newcomer and Gary Walters
Read MoreIn this episode, Carrie and Parker have a conversation with Poet, Ross Gay, author of The Book of Delights & Be Holding. We talk about Ross's books, his thoughts about finding delight in his daily life and as a daily practice, joy as an act of resistance and the importance of connection to one another and to the natural world. We hope you'll join us for this "delightful" and thoughtful conversation.
Read MoreIn this episode, Carrie and Parker ask how We the People can help renew the American body politic post-election. How do we have open-hearted conversations across lines of difference, without blinking facts or backing away from critical issues of equity and justice? As we step into the future, knowing we will help create it one way or another, how do we ground ourselves to do the hard work ahead, holding to hope and joy as we go?
Read MoreCarrie and Parker talk with Preeta about the Inner work of democracy and serving the common good. A constitutional lawyer from Harvard Law School, Preeta served as General Counsel in the Obama White House, where she played a major role in the Office of Management and Budget following the financial collapse of 2008. Having returned to her hometown of Lincoln, Nebraska, Preeta now finds expression for her call to public service via ServiceSpace, a fascinating international network of citizens animated by their desire to serve the common good through volunteerism.
Read MoreJoin Parker and Carrie for a conversation about this powerful Thomas Merton quote, and how they personally wrestle with overactivity and try to reclaim the wisdom of living at the speed of soul...
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